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UNLOCK THE SECRET TO AGELESS SKIN AT 30: The Ultimate Skincare Routine

facial skincare


welcome to the age where skincare becomes more important than ever – your 30s! as you enter this new decade, its crucial to start incorporating the right products and treatments into your routine to maintain youthful, radiant skin. in this blog post, we will guide you through the best skincare products to use at age 30, ensuring your complexion stays flawless for years to come.

1. Understanding your skin in your 30s

As we enter our 30s, our skincare needs begin to evolve. Factors like stress, hormonal changes, and environmental damage can all take a toll on our skin, leading to concerns such as fine lines, dullness, and uneven texture. To combat these issues and achieve radiant, youthful skin, incorporating key ingredients like vitamin C, niacinamide, retinol, and lactic acid into your skincare routine is essential. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the benefits of each of these powerhouse ingredients, how to incorporate them into your skincare regimen, and tips and tricks for glowing, healthy skin in your 30s.

2. Establishing a skincare routineMicroneedling

Establishing a consistent skincare routine is crucial in your 30s. Start with a gentle cleanser to remove impurities, followed by a toner to balance the skin’s pH levels. Incorporate serums containing key ingredients like vitamin C and hyaluronic acid for hydration and brightening effects. Don’t forget to use a moisturizer tailored to your skin type and concerns. Finally, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen every morning to protect your skin from UV damage. Consistency is key, so stick to your routine to see optimal results and maintain radiant, healthy skin in your 30s. Stay tuned for the next blog section on skincare habits to avoid for glowing skin.

3. Key ingredients to look for in skincare productssunscreen

Key ingredients play a vital role in the effectiveness of your skincare products. In your 30s, look for products containing retinol to combat fine lines and promote collagen production. Niacinamide helps to improve skin texture and minimize pores, while peptides aid in firming and smoothing the skin. For hydration and antioxidant protection, opt for products with glycerin and green tea extract. When shopping for skincare products, prioritize those with these key ingredients to address your skin concerns effectively and achieve that radiant glow. Remember, investing in quality ingredients will elevate your skincare routine to the next level. Stay tuned for more expert tips on achieving youthful and healthy skin in your 30s.

4. Addressing common skin concerns in your 30s

4. Addressing common skin concerns in your 30s

As you navigate your 30s, common skin concerns like dullness, uneven skin tone, and the beginning signs of aging may start to surface. Combat dullness with exfoliating products containing AHAs or BHAs to reveal a brighter complexion. Invest in serums or creams with Vitamin C to even out skin tone and target hyperpigmentation. To address fine lines and wrinkles, incorporate a targeted anti-aging treatment with peptides or hyaluronic acid into your routine. Don’t forget the importance of sunscreen to prevent further damage and maintain youthful-looking skin. Stay consistent with your skincare regimen and tailor it to address your specific concerns for radiant and healthy skin in your 30s.

5. The importance of sunscreen and other protective measures

Sunscreensunscreen is a non-negotiable in your skincare routine, especially in your 30s. Protect your skin from harmful UV rays by using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 daily, even on cloudy days. Sunscreen not only prevents premature aging and reduces the risk of skin cancer but also helps maintain an even skin tone. In addition to sunscreen, consider wearing protective clothing, hats, and sunglasses when exposed to the sun for prolonged periods. By incorporating these protective measures into your daily routine, you can shield your skin from damage and maintain its radiance for years to come.

6. Professional treatments for optimal skin health

Professional treatments can enhance your skincare routine in your 30s. Consider booking regular appointments for facials, chemical peels, or microdermabrasion to address specific skin concerns like hyperpigmentation, fine lines, or dullness. These treatments can deeply cleanse, exfoliate, and rejuvenate your skin, promoting cell turnover and collagen production. Consult with a dermatologist or skincare specialist to determine the most suitable treatments for your skin type and goals. Incorporating professional skincare treatments into your routine can complement your at-home regimen and help you achieve and maintain radiant, healthy skin.

7. Consistency is key: final thoughts on achieving radiant skin

In conclusion, Consistency is crucial in maintaining healthy and radiant skin in your 30s. Ensure you follow a consistent skincare routine that includes cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing, and protecting your skin from the sun. Stay committed to using products that are suitable for your skin type and concerns. Additionally, prioritize healthy lifestyle habits such as staying hydrated, eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and managing stress. Remember, achieving radiant skin is a journey that requires dedication and patience. With proper care and consistency, you can enjoy glowing and youthful-looking skin well into your 30s and beyond.

The ultimate skincare routine for age 30 to achieve ageless skin in 30s, we recommend the following skincare routine;

  1. cleanse your skin morning and night
  2. use gentle exfoilator 2-3 times a week
  3. apply a serum with retinol or naicinamide
  4. use a moisturizer with lctic acid or hyaluronic acid
  5. finish with a sunscreen.

By following this routine and incorporating the recommended products and treatments by our skincare specialist, you can achieve radiant, youthful skin that defies the signs of aging.

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As we age, our skin loses its elasticity and firmness, making us look older than we actually are. Wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots become more prominent, and we start to look tired and worn-out. While there are many cosmetic treatments available to rejuvenate the skin, one treatment that has gained popularity in recent years is microneedling. In this white paper, we’ll explore what microneedling is, how it works, and the amazing benefits it offers your skin.

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is a cosmetic treatment that involves the use of a device called a derma roller or a derma pen. The device contains tiny needles that puncture the skin, creating microchannels in the dermis. These microchannels stimulate the body’s natural healing process, leading to the production of new collagen and elastin fibers. Collagen and elastin are proteins that are responsible for the skin’s elasticity and firmness. As we age, the production of collagen and elastin slows down, leading to sagging skin and wrinkles.

How Does Microneedling Work?

Microneedling works by creating controlled micro-injuries to the skin. The tiny needles in the derma roller or derma pen create microchannels that stimulate the body’s natural healing process. When the body senses an injury, it sends collagen and elastin fibers to the affected area to repair the damage. By creating controlled micro-injuries, microneedling triggers the production of new collagen and elastin fibers, leading to smoother, firmer, and more youthful-looking skin.

The microneedling procedure usually takes about 30-60 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area. Before the procedure, a topical anesthetic is applied to the skin to minimize any discomfort. The device is then rolled or pressed over the skin, creating tiny punctures. After the procedure, a soothing serum is applied to the skin to help with healing.

The Benefits of Microneedling

Microneedling offers numerous benefits for the skin, including:

Reduces Wrinkles and Fine Lines – Microneedling stimulates the production of collagen and elastin fibers, leading to smoother and firmer skin. This reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, making you look younger and more refreshed.

Improves Skin Texture and Tone – Microneedling also helps to improve the texture and tone of the skin. The new collagen and elastin fibers produced during the healing process lead to smoother and more even-toned skin.

Reduces Acne Scars and Stretch Marks – Microneedling can also help to reduce the appearance of acne scars and stretch marks. The microchannels created by the device stimulate the body’s natural healing process, leading to the production of new skin cells that replace the damaged cells.

Enhances the Efficacy of Skincare Products – Microneedling can enhance the efficacy of skincare products by allowing them to penetrate deeper into the skin. The microchannels created by the device open up the skin’s pores, allowing skincare products to be absorbed more effectively.

Safe and Non-Invasive – Microneedling is a safe and non-invasive cosmetic treatment that does not require any downtime. Unlike other cosmetic treatments, such as chemical peels or laser resurfacing, microneedling does not damage the skin’s surface.

Microneedling is a revolutionary cosmetic treatment that offers numerous benefits for the skin. By stimulating the body’s natural healing process, microneedling leads to the production of new collagen and elastin fibers, resulting in smoother, firmer, and more youthful-looking skin. The procedure is safe, non-invasive, and does not require any downtime, making it an ideal option for those who want to improve the appearance of their skin without undergoing surgery or other invasive treatments. If you’re interested in trying microneedling, be sure to consult with a qualified skincare professional who can help you determine if it’s right for you. With its amazing benefits, microneedling can help you achieve the beautiful, radiant skin you’ve always wanted.

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Skincare is an essential part of our daily routine, but finding the right products for your skin type can be a daunting task. Whether you have oily, dry, or sensitive skin, it’s important to use products that are specifically formulated for your skin’s unique needs. In this article, we’ll share some of the best skincare products for each skin type, along with popular examples of skincare products available in Nigeria.

Best Skincare Products for Oily Skin

Oily skin is characterized by an overproduction of sebum, which can lead to clogged pores, acne breakouts, and a shiny complexion. Here are some of the best skincare products for oily skin:

Cleanser – Look for a gentle, oil-free cleanser that effectively removes dirt, oil, and makeup without stripping the skin of its natural moisture. One example of a popular cleanser available in Nigeria are 3D Enzyme/Acne Cleanser and the Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash.

Toner – A toner can help to reduce excess oil and refine the appearance of pores. Look for a toner that contains ingredients like witch hazel or salicylic acid, such as the Clean & Clear Deep Action Cleanser.

Moisturizer – Even oily skin needs hydration, but it’s important to choose a lightweight, non-comedogenic moisturizer that won’t clog your pores. One popular example in Nigeria is the Nivea Nourishing Body Lotion, which is enriched with almond oil for long-lasting hydration.

Best Skincare Products for Dry Skin

Dry skin can be tight, itchy, and prone to flaking or cracking. Here are some of the best skincare products for dry skin:

Cleanser – Look for a hydrating, non-foaming cleanser that won’t strip your skin of its natural oils. One popular example in Nigeria is the 3D Facial Tonique which is mild and non-irritating.

Toner – A hydrating toner can help to soothe and restore moisture to dry skin. Look for toners that contain ingredients like aloe vera or rose water, such as the Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula.

Moisturizer – Choose a rich, nourishing moisturizer that contains ingredients like shea butter, ceramides, or hyaluronic acid to provide long-lasting hydration. One popular example in Nigeria is the Shea Moisture African Black Soap, which is made from natural ingredients and is great for sensitive skin.

Best Skincare Products for Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin can react to harsh ingredients, leading to redness, irritation, and even allergic reactions. Here are some of the best skincare products for sensitive skin:

Cleanser – Look for a gentle, fragrance-free cleanser that doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals or irritants. One popular example in Nigeria is the Dudu Osun African Black Soap, which is made from herbs and honey and is gentle on the skin.

Toner – A soothing toner can help to calm and hydrate sensitive skin. Look for toners that contain ingredients like chamomile, calendula, or rose water, such as the Cerave.

Moisturizer – Choose a fragrance-free, non-comedogenic moisturizer that won’t irritate your skin. One popular example in Nigeria is the Olay Regenerist Micro-Sculpting Cream, which is formulated with amino-peptides and hyaluronic acid to plump and firm the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

It’s essential to use skincare products that are specifically formulated for your skin type to achieve the best results. If you’re unsure of your skin type or are struggling to find the right products for your skin, consider reaching out to Jon’s Beauty Clinic. Our skincare experts can help you identify your skin type, recommend the best products for your unique needs, and provide personalized advice on how to care for your skin. With the right guidance, you can achieve a healthy, radiant complexion that makes you feel confident and beautiful. Contact Jon’s Beauty Clinic today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards your best skin yet.

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Facial treatments have become increasingly popular in recent years, with many people recognizing the importance of taking care of their skin. Regular facial treatments can be an effective way to maintain healthy skin, address common skin concerns, and promote overall well-being. In this white paper, we’ll discuss the benefits of regular facial treatments and how they can improve the health and appearance of your skin.

Benefits of Regular Facial Treatment

Reduces Inflammation and Redness

Facial treatments can also help to reduce inflammation and redness in the skin. Certain treatments, such as those that use calming ingredients like chamomile or aloe vera, can be particularly effective at reducing inflammation and soothing irritated skin. Regular facial treatments can also help to prevent future inflammation and redness by improving the overall health of the skin and reducing the likelihood of developing conditions like rosacea or eczema.

Promotes Anti-Aging

Facial treatments can also be an effective way to promote anti-aging and keep your skin looking youthful and radiant. Many facial treatments incorporate specialized anti-aging ingredients like retinol or vitamin C, which can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and promote collagen production. Additionally, some facial treatments use specialized techniques like facial massage or lymphatic drainage to help improve circulation and promote cell turnover, which can also help to prevent signs of aging.

Boosts Product Absorption

Regular facial treatments can also help to improve the absorption of your skincare products. By removing dead skin cells and unclogging pores, facial treatments can help to promote better absorption of serums, moisturizers, and other skincare products. This can help to improve the overall effectiveness of your skincare routine and lead to healthier, more radiant skin.

Improves Skin Health

One of the primary benefits of regular facial treatments is that they can improve the overall health of your skin. Many facial treatments are designed to address common skin concerns like acne, dryness, and aging. For example, a deep cleansing facial can help to unclog pores and remove impurities from the skin, while a hydrating facial can help to combat dryness and promote moisture retention. Additionally, some facial treatments incorporate specialized techniques like microdermabrasion or chemical peels, which can help to improve the texture and tone of the skin.

Improve Blood Circulation 

Regular facial treatments can improve circulation in the skin, supplying it with nutrients and oxygen while removing waste products. Massaging or applying gentle pressure on the skin during facial treatments can stimulate blood flow, reducing puffiness, dark circles and other signs of tiredness. This can also boost collagen production, which maintains skin elasticity, reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Overall, facial treatments can offer several benefits, making skin look healthier, smoother, and more youthful, which is an excellent way to achieve your skincare goals.

Boosts Self-Confidence

Another benefit of regular facial treatments is that they can boost your self-confidence and self-esteem. When your skin looks healthy and glowing, you’re more likely to feel confident and positive about your appearance. Studies have also shown that people who are satisfied with their appearance tend to have higher levels of self-esteem and overall life satisfaction.

Provides Relaxation and Stress Relief

Facial treatments can also be an effective way to promote relaxation and reduce stress. Many people find the process of getting a facial to be calming and soothing, which can help to reduce stress and promote overall well-being. Additionally, some facial treatments incorporate specialized massage techniques, which can help to promote relaxation and improve circulation.

Customizable to Individual Needs

One of the great things about facial treatments is that they can be customized to meet the specific needs of each individual client. For example, if you have oily skin, a facial treatment that incorporates oil-absorbing ingredients may be particularly effective for you. Alternatively, if you have sensitive skin, a gentle facial treatment that avoids harsh ingredients may be more suitable. By tailoring facial treatments to meet the specific needs of each client, we can provide personalized care that helps to promote optimal skin health and well-being.

Enhances Makeup Application

Finally, regular facial treatments can help to enhance the application of makeup. When your skin is healthy and well-hydrated, makeup tends to go on more smoothly and last longer throughout the day. Additionally, some facial treatments incorporate specialized techniques like dermaplaning or microcurrent therapy, which can help to improve the texture and tone of the skin and provide a smooth canvas for makeup application.

Regular facial treatments can be an effective way to maintain healthy, glowing skin, boost self-confidence, and promote relaxation and stress relief. At Jon’s Beauty Clinic, we offer a wide range of facial treatments that are customizable to meet your individual needs. Whether you’re dealing with acne, dryness, or aging, we have treatments that can help. To schedule a facial treatment and experience the benefits for yourself, contact us today. 

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Vitamin C is the legendary in skincare world. It is essential for the production of collagen which helps skin looking young and elastic.

A vitamin C serum is a skincare product that contains vitamin C, which is an essential nutrient for the skin. Vitamin C serums are usually applied to the face before moisturizing. They can be used on all skin types, including sensitive and acne-prone skin. 

Adding vitamin C serum  to your skin care routine can not only brighten your complexion but also protect against skin damage caused by sun rays and harmful free radicals. 

vitamin c serums often contain other beneficial ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and Ferulic Acid. When applied to the skin, vitamin c serums can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, even out skin tone, and boost collagen production.

As a result, vitamin c serums are a popular choice for those looking for an effective anti-aging skincare solution.




Vitamin C serums contain powerful antioxidants that help to rejuvenate the skin, leaving it looking smooth and youthful. These serums work at a cellular level, penetrating deep into the skin to stimulate collagen production. Vitamin C is an antioxidant, meaning it helps to protect cells from damage. One of the ways vitamin C does this is by reducing the formation of free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage DNA and lead to cell death. When applied to the skin, vitamin C can help to reduce the formation of free radicals, which leads to fewer wrinkles and fine lines.


Vitamin C is a natural brightener and can help to brighten the skin tone. This is because vitamin C inhibits the production of melanin, which gives skin its color. In addition, vitamin C helps to stimulate collagen production, which gives skin elasticity and firmness. As a result, vitamin C can help to brighten the skin tone and improve skin texture.


itamin c serum is thought to help reduce sun damage by neutralizing free radicals before they can cause cell damage. The Serum is typically applied to the skin after cleansing and before applying sunscreen. Some research suggests that vitamin c may also help to reduce the risk of skin cancer, although more research is needed to confirm this claim. vitamin c serum is generally considered safe for most people, although some may experience skin irritation or redness. However, vitamin c should not be used in place of sunscreen, as it does not provide sufficient protection from UV rays on its own.


Facial redness can be caused by a host of conditions, including sun damage, rosacea, seborrhea, and acne. If you’ve been dealing with rough, red skin and want to alleviate this sometimes painful condition, it’s important to learn what might be causing your facial redness.

The anti-inflammatory properties of vitamin C can also help reduce redness, which in turn can create a more even complexion.



Pores are a big concern for many women of all ages and all types of skin. If you do not take care of your skin properly, these pores may become larger and easily clogged, which could cause the appearance of blackheads, pimples, excessive sebum production, and other issues. These pores can be reduced by using vitamin C serum for face.

Vitamin C serum helps to strengthen the collagen fibers in the skin, increasing elasticity and making the pores appear smaller over time. 


Including Vitamin C serum in your skincare routine is a highly effective treatment for acne and other skin marks. The main reason it works so well is because of its antioxidant properties. When applied topically to the skin, vitamin C serum helps to neutralize free radicals and toxins that can damage the skin and cause breakouts. Combining Vitamin C with 3D facial polish and 3D acne/enzyme cleanser can nourish the skin and promotes cell regeneration, leading to quicker healing of existing acne lesions and clearer, brighter skin overall.


Vitamin C can help heal blemishes, reduce hyperpigmentation, and give your skin a flawless and youthful glow it yarns for.

Flawless skin doesn’t come overnight; patience and Consistency is key for maximum effect, so add it to your daily skin care routine.

I prefer to apply my vitamin c serum at night only while Some people apply it in the morning to take advantage of its UV-protectant properties, others find that it works best as a night serum. 

Some people may experience irritation such as stinging, itching, and dryness after using topical vitamin C. This can be treated by layering a moisturizer over the vitamin C serum when you use it, in addition to moisturizing daily. If you have sensitive skin, you can also start with a lower concentration of vitamin C to observe how your skin reacts.

Discontinue use if you begin to experience irritation or discomfort.

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Dark spots on the face can result from hyperpigmentation, which is a common skin condition that occurs when the skin produces too much melanin. Hyperpigmentation can be due to sun exposure, scarring, aging, and insect bites and more and this can have a great impact on our self esteem as a result most people resort to using their foundation to cover up instead of treating the main cause of the problem.


As a tanager, i suffered hormonal imbalance as a result of this i was left with pimples on my face which affected my self esteem and confidence. i used so many skincare products that worsen my case but we keep trying and never give up.

I started my research on skincare products that can help clear my spots and regain my confidence, that was how i discovered 3D FACIAL POLISH and the ACNE/ENZYME CLEANSER and i said goodbye to pimples and dark spots and sun burn. i used this combo twice a day and the result was amazing. 

Dark spots that arise due to hormonal changes are not always avoidable. However, some mild discoloration may fade over time once a person removes the cause.

For example, if a person is pregnant, the marks may start to fade when the pregnancy is over.

Melasma can be more stubborn to treat. Melasma is a deeper form of hyperpigmentation that can occur due to hormonal changes. Even when melasma fades, it can come back if a person has exposure to the sun.

If a person is pregnant or nursing, they should check with a doctor that any hyperpigmentation treatments or procedures are safe to use.

3D FACIAL POLISH did not only clear my dark spots but also brighten and even out my skin tone.

Here are some reviews:

“The best skincare product you can ever have. the first time i met you, i had white pateches on my skin it looks like nothing was working, you gave me 3D face polish for my face and other products for my white patches but to my greatest surprise after seeing the way the polish worked on my face i decided to also apply it on my skin after a whie i noticed that the white patches i have been battling with for a long time had disappeared. that was how i started telling people around me about 3D products ooo. 3D na banger. No matter your skin condition 3D get you.


I regained my confidence, thanks to 3D facial polish.


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Establishing a proper skin care routine order is important in understanding your skin care concerns and how to best deal with them when using the proper skin care products. With so many different types of skin care products, it can be difficult to understand what each of them does and how/when to apply them to your skin for best results. It’s also important to note that there’s a difference between a morning skin care routine order, and a night time skin care routine order. In order for you to get the best results out of your skin care products. 

In this article, we will be explaining the best way in which to apply skin care products and how to establish a proper skin care routine in order to get that glowing skin we all want.



For your skincare products ro absorb properly you need to cleanse your skin. Use a water base cleanser designed for your skin type.


  1. Foam cleanser
  2. Gel cleanser
  3. Oil base cleanser
  4. Micellar water
  5. Bar soap cleanser
  6. clay cleanser
  7. powder cleanser


Gone are the days whereby face toner amounted to little more than an extremely drying, alcohol-based solution. Likely the most potent and astringent product in your skincare arsenal, facial toner has long since been called upon to help eradicate bulging breakouts and quell facial acne and blemishes.

Whether you are looking for your skin to glow, wanting to deeply exfoliate, minimise the appearance of pores, or fully hydrate your skin, facial toner is your go-to. Generally speaking, face toners help to remove any excess oil and dirt that may still be lurking on your skin even after cleansing.

  • Toner helps minimise pores
  • Toner helps brighten your complexion
  • Toner helps exfoliate your skin by removing impurities
  • Toner helps smooth your skin


Face serums are thinner than a moisturizer or lotion and thicker than a toner, so make sure you sandwich yours in between the two. The best part about serums is that they are highly concentrated formulas meant to treat an array of skin concerns, depending on the ingredients. Serums can be used both morning and night, but some formulas are best suited to one or the other.

Vitamin C and other antioxidant serums should be applied during the daytime, as these formulas help protect your skin from elements like UV rays and pollution. Hydrating serums or reparative serums (like retinol or AHA/BHA containing serums) are best used at night, when your skin naturally seeks to repair itself. 

However, knowing the right serum for your skin type is the beginning to having a glowing skin.

For dry/sensitive skin; look out for products with these ingredient; Hyaluronic acid, Vitamin E, aleo vera, Niacinamide.

For Oily/Acne prone skin; look out for serums with these ingredients; retinol, salicylic acid to help exfoilate the skin (avoid regular scrubing)

Combination skin:  A great ingredient for those seeking to restore balance to their skin is niacinamide, which helps regulate oil protection and maintain overall moisture and hydration. 


An under eye cream is a great addition to your skincare routine, the skin around your eyes is ten times thinner than your face,  if you want to prevent wrinkle, dark eye circle, saggy under eyes then dont skip your under eye cream. Regular use of eye cream over time will keep the eyelid skin elastic and can improve or prevent against some fine lines or collagen loss. here is oe of my best eye cream.



As acne spot treatments differ in active ingredients, check your product packaging or consult your dermatologist for the best way to apply it. check previous article for detailed treatment for spots.


Applying the right face moisturizer will help lock in hydration and moisture and support the skin barrier. This step also serves as a way to seal in all of your other products—like toners, treatments, and serums. Here is my favourite moisturizer.


Sunscreen protects your skin and reduces the rist of developing skin cancer and skin pre-cancers.  No matter your skin tone or type, or if you’re indoors or outdoors, apply at least SPF 30 every single morning to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.  Here are some good sunblock/suncreen